
Gentle and Comfortable Dental Care

If you’ve ever experienced dental anxiety, you’re not alone. FUN at the DENTIST/ Health First Colorado Dentist, offers several sedation options to help you receive anxiety-free and relaxing dental care.

Oral Conscious Sedation

Oral conscious sedation is a great option for children whose anxiety is too severe for nitrous oxide alone, but not intense enough for general anesthesia at the hospital. We typically administer oral conscious sedation to patients who are receiving short, non-invasive dental treatments. It is also a great sedation option for children because it is less invasive than alternative methods. Dr. Dean has a pediatric sedation permit which allows him to sedate children under the age of 12 years.

Oral conscious sedation requires the patient to take a small prescribed amount of medication about an hour before dental treatment. This is done in the office where the patient can be observed by our dentist and staff. The pill/elixir helps the patient feel relaxed and ready for care. We may also administer nitrous oxide along with oral conscious sedation.

Please be aware that each patient may react differently to sedation. Our staff will go over instructions with you before the appointment and answer any questions you may have. It is very important that these instructions are followed exactly, or we may need to reschedule the appointment for the patient’s safety.

We look forward to treating you!


Anxiolysis is a great option for adults whose anxiety is too severe for nitrous oxide alone, but not intense enough for general anesthesia at the hospital. We typically administer Anxiolysis to patients who are receiving short, non-invasive dental treatments.

Anxiolysis requires the patient to take a small prescribed amount of medication about an hour before dental treatment. This is done in the office where the patient can be observed by our dentist and staff. Anxiolysis helps the patient feel relaxed and ready for care. We may also administer nitrous oxide along with oral conscious sedation.

Patients on Anxiolysis will need to set up a ride to and from their appointment. Please be aware that each patient may react differently to sedation. Our staff will go over instructions with you before the appointment and answer any questions you may have. It is very important that these instructions are followed exactly, or we may need to reschedule the appointment for the patient’s safety.

We look forward to treating you!

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide, more commonly known as laughing gas, is a blend of oxygen and nitrous oxide. Inhaling nitrous oxide creates a sense of well-being and relaxation for those who experience mild to moderate dental anxiety. It also raises the pain threshold so the patient doesn’t feel pain as severely. We typically use nitrous oxide during short, non-invasive procedures.

Nitrous oxide is a great sedation option for kids because it is one of the safest and non-addictive anti-anxiety agents used in dentistry. Your child only needs to wear a plastic mask over his or her nose and inhale deeply to feel the effect of this sedation method — there is no need for pills or IVs! Plus, the effects of nitrous oxide are completely reversed with a few deep breaths of fresh air.

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